This is for the question ex 1-3:
//WAP to print celsius to fahrenheit table with heading
int main(void)
float cels,fahr,upr=300.0,lwr=0.0,stp=20.0;
fahr = lwr;
cels = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32);
fahr = fahr + stp;
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-4
//WAP to print table of celsius to fahrenheit and also print d headings
int main(void)
float cels,fahr,upr=300,lwr=0,step=20;
cels = lwr;
fahr = ((9.0/5.0)*cels) +32;
cels += step;
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-5
int main(void)
int cels;
for(cels = 300 ; cels >= 0 ; cels -= 20)
printf("%7d\t%10.1f\n",cels,( ((9.0/5.0)*cels)+32 ));
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-6
int main(void)
int c;
c = (getchar() != EOF);
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-7
int main(void)
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-8
int main(void)
int count=0,c;
printf("\nEnter the input as long as you want, ^d to stop.\n");
while((c=getchar()) != EOF)
if(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')
printf("\nThe space character count is %d\n",count);
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-9
//Enter a string at coomand line with as many spaces as you want in between the words
//and this program will replace all the spaces with one single sapce
int main(void)
int c,d,flg=0;
while((c=getchar()) != EOF) //take input character wise
if(c!=' ' && c!='\t') //if the character is not a space character
if(flg) //first check the flag status
putchar(' '); //if flag is one then insert a space in output stream
flg=0; //reset the flag
putchar(c); //keep pushing the character in output stream
else //if character is blank space
flg = 1; //first set the flag
d=getchar(); //read the next character
if(d!=' ' && d!='\t') //if this character is not a blank space
if(flg) //check flag status
putchar(' '); //if flag is 1,insert the space character
flg=0; //and set the flag to zero
putchar(d); //now push d onto stream
else flg=1; //if d were not blank then set the flag
if (c == '\n')
return 0;
return 0;
This is for the question ex 1-10
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