Sunday, 7 April 2013

Compiler Design Tools installation in windows....

To install compiler design tools like flex, bison and gcc in your Windows platform follow the following steps:

1. Install Flex:

a.  After you've downloaded the setup from the link above double click to     install.

b. Make sure you DO NOT install in the default folder "C:\Program Files\...." but, to some some other folder which doesn't have a space in the name: "C:\compiler\".

2. Install Bison:

a.  After you've downloaded the setup from the link above double click to install.

b. Make sure you DO NOT install in the default folder "C:\Program Files\...." but, to some some other folder which doesn't have a space in the name: "C:\compiler\".

3. Install gcc setup:

a.  After you've downloaded the setup from the link above double click to install.

b. Make sure you DO NOT install in the default folder "C:\Program Files\...." but, to some some other folder which doesn't have a space in the name: "C:\compiler\".

or you may download the entire setup package from here: Compiler Tools

4. How to set the PATH variable in Windows: 

a.  First obtain the path for each of the tool's bin directory as follows  

for XP: (indicative)

for 7: (again indicative)

do the above for each tool separately save them in a notepad file.

b.  Now open the properties of your computer, by right clicking the icon:

for XP:

for Win 7:

c.  Now add the paths you previously obtained in the PATH variable separated by semicolons ";" and then logout and login again.

This should make your tools usable as they did in my case. Now you may work from any directory and create your programs.

In case of query or problem feel free to comment... I will definitely respond...
