Friday, 22 June 2012

The CBNST assignment 6/10

Here is the link to download the assignment for CBNST back paper. I have solved only 6 out of ten till now and am uploading them. Once you have done these try out rest, I will soon upload them.

Click here to goto mediafire download link

 The download link below is for the question that we discussed in the class on Friday. Read an equation from keyboard and break it into parts and evaluate the function. I have written it complete for bisection method.

Click here to goto mediafire download link

Monday, 18 June 2012

Solutions to M problems: Round 1

I believe you will be smart enough to modify the program a bit so that it doesn't look like you have copied.

Here is the link to download the first round solutions to the M problems for GEU 4th sem students. It contains only the solutions for the programs. All the programs have been tested to run correctly using the g++ compiler program, on linux. To make it work on TurboC++ all you have to do is add the header file <conio.h> at top and getch() at the end of main (before return statement. 
It should then work all fine. I will soon provide download link for complete solutions. Also, I'm trying to provide the explanations for each program, but, that has to wait.
I believe you will be smart enough to modify the program a bit so that it doesn't look like you have copied.

Disclaimer: It is only to assist you not for any other purpose.